

Incorporating Management of GIS Implementations in Higher Education
Track: Designing Curriculum & Degree Programs
Author(s): David Gadish

Most GIS programs are linked to Geography or Environmental Studies programs at institutions of higher education. Courses in such programs are divided in three general areas: GIS and cartography fundamentals, GIS technology and programming, and GIS applications in various areas (e.g., transportation). Students graduate from such programs with extensive knowledge in GIS but lack the background to effectively manage their own work and that of others when involved in GIS implementations in industry and government. The author believes there is a need for an additional course in Management of GIS Implementations. The course would include topics discussing GIS project and program management that include ethics, legal issues, strategic planning, funding, budgeting, organization and staffing, outside resources, architectural design and application development, multi-organizational GIS efforts, the role of the GIO, and GIS strategic alliances. The content and suggested positioning of such a course as part of a Business School will be discussed.

David Gadish
California State University, Los Angeles
College of Business and Economics
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles , CA 90032
Phone: 323-343-2924
E-mail: dgadish@calstatela.edu

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