

GIS Live: Crossing Boundaries Through the Power of Technology
Track: Teacher Education and Educational Research
Author(s): Rita Hagevik, Cris Crissman

GIS Live is a live, interactive, Web-based conference that partners GIS professionals with educators to implement Geographic Information System and Global Positioning System (GPS) technologies as curriculum-learning tools. It is the collaborative effort of many government agencies, educational institutions, and professional organizations including NC A & T State University, NCSU, Wake County GIS, Mecklenburg County GIS, NC Council of Geographic Information and Analysis, NC Urban and Regional Information Systems Association, NC Department of Health and Human Services, NC DENR, and NCDPI's Distance Learning. Our research focuses on how we can use distance learning technologies to cross the boundaries that have traditionally made school learning artificial and contrived rather than real-world and relevant. Problem-based learning challenges that engage teachers and students in the use of real-world tools and the research, publishing, and presentation of their work for a real audience is one promising solution.

Rita Hagevik
NC A & T State University
1601 East Market Street
Greensboro , NC 27411
Phone: 336-334-7907
Fax: 336-334-7105
E-mail: rahagevi@ncat.edu

Cris Crissman
NC Department of Public Instruction
Distance Learning
301 N. Wilmington Street
Raleigh , NC 27601
Phone: 919-807-3582
E-mail: ccrissma@dpi.state.nc.us

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