

EAST Geospatial Education: Involving Students in Planning and Directing Learning
Track: Designing Curriculum & Degree Programs
Author(s): Bill Dirst, Matt Dozier

Geospatial technology is exciting to kids if it is relevant and engages them in the world that is immediately around them - their community. It becomes "cool" when they are encouraged to apply learning in the real-world, outside of classroom walls using advanced tools and relevant, local data. Students participating in the EAST program are challenged to plan, develop, and direct their own learning as they work in teams on projects that deliver benefits to a larger community. At the root of the EAST model is an intensive pedagogical training program that develops skilled teachers to manage EAST classrooms. These educators learn methods to facilitate learning and establish a high-tech learning environment where every student is pushed to perform to the best of his or her ability. EAST programs are currently in 222 schools in six states. More information can be found at www.eastproject.org.

Bill Dirst
EAST Initiative
8210 Ranch Blvd
Little Rock , AR 72223
Phone: 501 371 5016
E-mail: bill@eastproject.org

Matt Dozier
EAST Initiative
8201 Ranch Blvd.
Little Rock , AR 72223
Phone: 501 371 5016
E-mail: matt@eastproject.org

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