

Modeling University Enrollments with ArcGIS
Track: GIS for Administration & Planning
Author(s): Yu Zhou, Jie Wu

Many universities are using GIS to visualize student enrollment. Simply looking at the numbers of students enrolled in a university, however, does not provide an analytical result. Areas with low populations and at long distances from a university, for example, can be expected to provide fewer students than areas with higher population and in close proximity to the university. Therefore, it would be helpful to understand which areas provide more (or fewer) students to the university than would be expected, given their population and distance from the university. This presentation will discuss the gravity model and Huff model, employed to analyze student enrollment.

Yu Zhou
Bowling Green State University
Department of Geography
Department of geography
Bowling Green , OH 43403
Phone: 419-372-7828
E-mail: yzhou@bgnet.bgsu.edu

Jie Wu
Bowling Green State University
Office of Institutional Research
Office of Institutional Research
Bowling Green , OH 43403
Phone: 419-372-7769
E-mail: wujie@bgnet.bgsu.edu

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