

GIS in German Schools--Past Experiences and Future Outlooks
Track: Teacher Education and Educational Research
Author(s): Daniel Schober

The German educational system is organized by the federal states individually, each with their own terms regarding curriculum content, duration of school attendance and design of the school system. Although there have been efforts to harmonize the diverse system, major differences are still apparent. GIS has been successfully introduced in German K-12 education in most of the German states at various speeds with different approaches. What do the different approaches look like and what are the factors surrounding--and sometimes hindering--the introduction of GIS in general-education in Germany? Examples from different German states will be presented. Since 1999 Esri Geoinformatik GmbH has been involved in German K-12 GIS education organizing teacher trainings, giving support to schools and establishing networks around Germany.

Daniel Schober
Esri Geoinformatik GmbH
Ringstr. 7
Kranzberg 85402
Phone: +49(0)8166-6770
E-mail: d.schober@Esri-germany.de

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