

DACUM Curriculum Analysis for GIS Technicians
Track: Designing Curriculum & Degree Programs
Author(s): John Johnson

DACUM, an acronym for "Developing A CUrriculuM", is a popular occupational analysis technique which involves using a panel of expert workers to identify exactly what people do on the job and how they do it. This information is summarized in a DACUM chart which provides a graphic profile of the duties and tasks required of workers in a particular job or occupation. The San Diego Educational GIS Consortium (San Diego Mesa College, San Diego State University and San Diego City Schools) has used this model to identify the job responsibilities of entry level GIS Technicians in the San Diego area. This information is being used to develop curriculum for their Scalable Skills GIS Certificate Program. Participants will be asked to help validate the results of this DACUM process. This Advance Technology Education project is funded by the National Science Foundation.

John Johnson
San Diego Mesa College
Computer Business Technology
7250 Mesa College Drive
San Diego , CA 92111
Phone: 760-635-9409
Fax: 760-634-7946
E-mail: jjohnson@sdccd.net

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