

4-H Tech Teams Map Forest Park for Community Mapping Training
Track: Community Projects and Partnerships
Author(s): Frank Wideman

4-H Youth GIS Tech Teams will present this activity which is designed to help teach youth about GIS/GPS as well as provide a service to their community. The Forest Park Project is designed to help 4-H youth gain the skills needed to do community mapping. So far, two events have been a part of this project to map the 1300 acre city park, a national 4-H technology conference with 300 4-H'ers and adult leaders and a local training event.

Goals of the project: learn about working with community leaders; participate in a community service project; and, learn skills such as using GPS receivers and digital cameras, database use and entry, map reading, collaboration and team work, planning and completing their own community mapping projects. This presentation will illustrate the steps we took to complete this project and how the knowledge has been used to complete other projects since the training activities.

Frank Wideman
Perry County 4-H Tech Team
Perry County Univ. of MO Extension
321 N Main
Perryville , MO 63775
Phone: 5735474504
Fax: 5735474535
E-mail: widemanf@missouri.edu

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