

The Future of GIS Education at the Community College
Track: Designing Curriculum & Degree Programs
Author(s): Deidre Sullivan, Phillip Davis, John Johnson, Terry Brase

GIS is an enabling technology that is becoming integral to every sector of our economy. The explosive growth of this technology, coupled with continued advances in related technologies such as GPS and remote sensing, poses many opportunities and challenges for educational programs across the country. A panel of GIS educators will discuss: What are the core components of a solid GIS program? What are the challenges facing community college GIS programs? Where are the opportunities in GIS, from sector-specific growth areas to pedagogical enhancements? What is needed to take advantage of these opportunities? And last, what types of funding opportunities are out there and what are these funding agencies looking to fund?

Deidre Sullivan
Monterey Peninsula College
Marine Advanced Technology Education
980 Fremont St.
Monterey , CA 93940
Phone: 831 646-3081
Fax: 831 646-3080
E-mail: deidres@marinetech.org

Phillip Davis
Del Mar College
CS/IT Department
101 Baldwin
Corpus Cristi , TX 78404
Phone: 361 698 1126
E-mail: pdavis@delmar.edu

John Johnson
San Diego Mesa College
7250 Mesa College Drive
San Diego , CA 92111-4998
Phone: 760-635-9409
E-mail: jjohnson@sdccd.cc.ca.us

Terry Brase
Kirkwood Community College
Agriculture Technology
PO Box 2068
Cedar Rapids , IA 52406
Phone: (319) 398-5458
E-mail: terry.brase@kirkwood.edu

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