
A Spatial Data Analysis of Charter Schools and Community-Based Organizations
Track: GIS for Administration & Planning
Author(s): Charisse Gulosino

New York City has an extensive nonprofit industry. The overall research agenda is to examine the spatial proximity of charter schools to community-based organizations (CBOs) and social/economic characteristics of local communities for identifying the actual or potential resources that exist for social capital building and cooperation at a local level. Drawing upon the theoretical and empirical findings on social capital and locational dynamics, this study examines the existence and significance of spatial dependencies between charter schools and neighboring CBOs, particularly in neighborhoods with significant needs and resources. Another objective of the study is to identify vibrant CBO neighborhoods for new charter schools anchored on spatial measures of location, distance, and density. Several cluster mapping tools in Esri’s ArcGIS 9.1 and spatial extensions (Geostatistical Analyst and Spatial Analyst) are used to incorporate the spatial relationships in geographic datasets to represent point data within the encompassing social geography.

Charisse Gulosino
Teachers College Columbia University
International and Transcultural Studies
42-15, 76th Street
Elmhurst, New York, NY 11373
Phone: 646-251-8134
E-mail: cag2022@columbia.edu