
Cool Tools for GeoSchools
Track: Teaching with GIS in Schools
Author(s): Bob Coulter

The dominant model for integrating GIS into schools has been

multi-day activities in the computer lab, most often following a

scripted tutorial. These can be powerful learning experiences,

but all too often, a good question comes up and we don't have

immediate access to a computer lab or a ready-made tutorial.

In this session, explore a variety of alternative tools and teaching

models to help make geospatial inquiry a more pervasive part of

your curriculum. New tools and teaching models will be shared,

along with anecodotes about our experiences using them with

real kids.

Bob Coulter
Missouri Botanical Garden
9711 Litzsinger Road
Saint Louis , MO 63124
Phone: 314-442-6737
E-mail: bob.coulter@mobot.org