
Using GIS-Based Planning and Environmental Models in the Classroom
Track: Teaching with GIS in Higher Education
Author(s): Gary Coutu

The GIS program in the Department of Geography and Planning at West Chester University of Pennsylvania has been using CommunityViz Scenario 360 software to introduce planning and modeling techniques to undergraduate and graduate students. Students have completed semester-long modeling projects with the goal of integrating policy analysis with advanced GIS tools. These projects have included work between various courses and with community partners. This included urban planning, environmental sensitivity planning, emergency response planning and 3-D modeling. Results were presented as part of GIS day and to local partners and the University. Some of these projects have been incorporated into Master's Thesis work. This presentation describes the tools and models (in addition to CommunityViz) used in the class as well as presentation and assignment modules.

Gary Coutu
West Chester University
Geography and Planning
Ruby Jones Hall
West Chester , PA 19383
Phone: 610-738-0522
Fax: 610-436-2889
E-mail: gcoutu@wcupa.edu