
The Development of a Track System for GIS Certificate Programs
Track: Teaching with GIS in Higher Education
Author(s): Richard Schultz, Judy Bock

The increasing demand for GIS in higher education has brought on a flurry of GIS Certificate Programs in the U.S. However, instructors must take into account the enormous range of skill levels when teaching geospatial principles to students. One option is to implement a "tracked" system whereby beginners and novices to GIS can enroll in an "Introductory" Track and more experienced users would be appropriately enrolled in a "Professional" Track. This has been successfully employed by Elmhurst College, whose GIS Certificate Program has been included on the Esri Virtual Campus website. Details of the Program and the development of the curriculum will be included as well as suggestions for designing a GIS Certificate Program, based on academic experiences. Elmhurst's Program is one of the first programs to offer both hybrid and online formats to cater to students from many locations. Potential pitfalls and advice will be offered in the presentation.

Richard Schultz
Elmhurst College
Geography and Geosciences
190 Prospect Avenue
Elmhurst , IL 60126-3296
Phone: 6306173128
E-mail: richs@elmhurst.edu

Judy Bock
Elmhurst College
Geography and Geosciences
190 Prospect Avenue
Elmhurst 60126-3296
Phone: 6306173128
E-mail: bockj@elmhurst.edu