
Digital Help with a Human Touch: Video, IM and GIS
Track: Using GIS in Libraries and Museums
Author(s): Michael Howser, Robbyn Abbitt, Ken Grabach

Within today's information society with portable music and video players everywhere it's time to break from the traditional instructional handouts model and into the digital age. At Miami University a team of librarians and geographers have come together to create an iPod video series to provide GIS instruction and support to students. By combining video with Instant Messaging assistance, GIS support has migrated into a fast, convenient, and flexible support model to meet today's students needs. Join us as we explore how technology infused with geographic literacy principles can help to meet the needs of your students.

Michael Howser
Miami University
500 E High St
210 King Library
Oxford , OH 45056
Phone: 513-529-8494
E-mail: howserm@muohio.edu

Robbyn Abbitt
Miami University
500 E High St
Oxford , OH 45056
Phone: 513 529 5016
E-mail: abbittrj@muohio.edu

Ken Grabach
Miami University
Brill Science Library
500 E High St
Oxford , OH 45056
Phone: 513-529-1726
E-mail: 513-529-1726