
Developing ArcIMS Modules: Embedded GIS Instruction for Undergraduate Education
Track: Teaching with GIS in Higher Education
Author(s): Lynn Songer, Eric Sproles

Working in collaborative teams, instructors from multiple disciplines at Lane Community College, Eugene, Oregon, developed and tested embedded ArcIMS Internet-based GIS modules in physical geography, environmental science, oceanography, political science, and data visualization. This presentation will feature the final projects developed in the first year of the Mapping, Analyzing, and Problem Solving (MAPS) NSF-ATE grant, ##0603492, to promote GIS literacy across the curriculum. Preliminary assessment results from instructor development teams and student users will be discussed and lessons learned from implementing Internet-GIS in the classroom will be presented.

Lynn Songer
Lane Community College
Social Science
4000 East 30th Ave.
Eugene , OR 97405
Phone: 541-463-5493
E-mail: songerl@lanecc.edu

Eric Sproles
Lane Community College
4000 East 30th Ave.
Eugene , OR 97405
Phone: 541-463-3000
E-mail: sprolese@lanecc.edu