
Leveraging Social Change through GIS: A Community-University Power-Mapping Collaborative
Track: Community Projects and Partnerships
Author(s): Tony Robinson

A partnership between the Colorado Community Organizing Collaborative and a University of Colorado Political Science department was recently formed to utilize GIS to deliver action-research 'power maps,' aimed at catalyzing and empowering grass-roots social change efforts. The result has been a 65 page Denver political-economy atlas built under the advisement of community organizations, a series of popular education seminars introducing residents to the power of GIS in leveraging social change, and a 'GIS in Political Science' seminar that will deliver research interns to community organizing partners.

This presentation will exhibit copies of 'The Denver Atlas: A Region in Living Color,' and will describe how the university-community partnership works to involve faculty and students in community-directed GIS research in low-income areas. The session will include presentation of maps that are already impacting local politics, including maps of Denver's geography of bleached barrios, landscape of homeless deaths, and reality of racially-biased policing.

Tony Robinson
University of Colorado
Political Science
3008 S. Grape Way
Denver , CO 80222
Phone: 303.556.2746
Fax: 303.556.6041
E-mail: tony.robinson@cudenver.edu