
Sharing Ideas and Spreading the Word: Geography Blogs and Podcasts
Track: Educational Research and Teacher Education
Author(s): Jesse Rouse, Susan Bergeron, Frank Lafone

The New Media, used here to refer primarily to podcasts and blogs, offers an innovative and accessible platform to present news and general information about Geography, GIS, and geospatial technologies to a widely varied audience quickly and effectively. At the same time very specific information can be pushed to small audiences, such as classrooms and colleagues. The ability to provide such a broad range of information to a variety of audiences makes New Media an ideal distribution mechanism for education materials and information as content can be created fairly easily and updated as needed. This presentation will review the ideas behind the New Media, their potential for use for Geography and GIS education, and cover a few examples of how New Media has been used in education to date.

Jesse Rouse
West Virginia University
PO Box 6300
Morgantown, WV , WV 26506
Phone: 304-288-2455
E-mail: jesse.rouse@mail.wvu.edu

Susan Bergeron
West Virginia University
PO Box 6300
Morgantown , WV 26506
Phone: 304-293-5603
E-mail: sue.bergeron@mail.wvu.edu

Frank Lafone
West Virginia University
PO Box 6300
Morgantown , WV 26506
Phone: 304-293-5603
E-mail: frank.lafone@mail.wvu.edu