
ArcView and Google Earth: Rules of Engagement
Track: Teaching with GIS in Higher Education
Author(s): Jennifer J. Lund, Sharron Macklin

Google Earth and ArcExplorer give casual users a richly visual, instantly engaging, easily navigated view of the world. Point-and-click simplicity means instructors can casually add geographical experiences to their courses. The naturalistic metaphor of Google Earth complements the data-driven power of ArcMap; ArcMap accepts a wider variety of data, performs more sophisticated analyses, and provides more abundant options for displaying the results. The presenters will describe their experiences using free earth viewing software in the classroom and the high levels of student engagement they have observed. They will describe classroom applications that use Google Earth and ArcExplorer as a delivery vehicle for ArcView maps. They will survey classroom applications from other campuses, and summarize the strengths of the different tools, including ArcExplorer.

Jennifer J. Lund
Wheaton College
Library & Information Services
26 East Main Street
Norton , MA 02766
Phone: 508-286-5441
Fax: 508-268-3640
E-mail: jlund@wheatonma.edu

Sharron Macklin
Williams College
Williams College
Williamstown , MA 01267
Phone: (413) 597-4318
E-mail: smacklin@williams.edu