
Teaching GIS Utilizing Maps as GIS Reports
Track: Teaching with GIS in Higher Education
Author(s): ryan rudnicki

GIS has traditionally been taught in two ways: the applications approach and the GIS software approach. This paper presents a third approach in which the focus is the map as a GIS report.

While GIS is computer hardware and software for spatial data handling, it is, more specifically, a technology for helping solve problems with a spatial dimension. Since maps are the best way to present spatial information, they can be seen as portraying possible answers to problems. Thus a map is transformed into a kind of executive summary.

For the map to live up to its role as an executive summary, three criteria need to be met. The map must meet geographical (spatial), cartographical (visual communication), and GISical (problem solving) considerations. Teaching GIS while addressing these three considerations can provide a comprehensive introduction to the software and at the same time impart the notion of mapping with a purpose.

ryan rudnicki
san antonio college
chemistry, earth sciences, and astronomy
1300 san pedro ave
san antonio , TX 78212
Phone: 210 733 2704
E-mail: rrudnick@accd.edu