
What we know and don't know about GIS and learning
Track: Educational Research and Teacher Education
Author(s): Diana Sinton, David Uttal, Robert Bednarz, Philip Gersmehl

Many educators believe that we can create a positive learning environment through the use of GIS in our classrooms, yet establishing that relationship is not automatic, consistent, or intuitive. Characteristics of the teachers, the students, the curriculum, and the software, among other variables, influence how effective GIS may be as an instructional tool. Moreover, the instruments we design to assess the learning are affected by numerous factors as well. This panel brings together educators, geographers, and those interested in the psychology of technology-based learning to discuss these topics.

Diana Sinton
National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education
NITLE East, Middlebury College
Middlebury , VT 05753
Phone: 734.661.1012
E-mail: diana.sinton@nitle.org

David Uttal
Northwestern University
2029 Sheridan Road
Evanston , IL 60208
Phone: 847-491-7859
E-mail: duttal@northwestern.edu

Robert Bednarz
Texas A & M University
Department of Geography
College Station , TX 77843
Phone: 979-845-7187
E-mail: r-bednarz@tamu.edu

Philip Gersmehl
Hunter College
Department of Geography, 695 Park Avenue
Hunter College of the City University of New York
New York , NY 10021
Phone: 212-650-3534
E-mail: philip.gersmehl@hunter.cuny.edu