
100% Guaranteed: Bodies in the Seats
Track: Teaching with GIS in Higher Education
Author(s): Scott Jeffrey

One of - if not the biggest - problems faced by developing GIS/GST programs is enrollment. The key to developing a successful GIS/GST program is to have a broad base of students to draw from so that new GIS/GST courses run and provide a pool of students for higher level classes. How do GIS programs get criminal justice, sociology, math, biology, and political science students to take GIS courses? The answer: we PIMP ourselves. PIMP stands for Perfectly Implemented Mapping Projects, and are canned GIS projects that are topic specific for faculty in other disciplines to use in lectures to demonstrate content specific concepts. The author will demonstrate how specific mapping exercises using ArcView and its extensions have been produced (by students and faculty), modeled, and integrated into other disciplines to demonstrate to students the need to have GIS skills - no matter what field they are majoring in.

Scott Jeffrey
Coomunity College of Baltimore County
800 South Rolling Road
Catonsville , MD 21228
Phone: 410-455-6936
E-mail: sjeffrey@ccbcmd.edu