
Campus Tree Mapping
Track: Community Projects and Partnerships
Author(s): Christopher Guides

For a community service project, middle school students have created an interactive map of all trees growing on our 22-acre campus in Wynnewood, PA. The more than 400 trees on campus give the school educational, aesthetic, environmental, recreational, and other benefits. An outside party provided relative locations of trees from a survey of our campus. The students used ArcGIS to import AutoCAD drawings and then added information such as tree names, diameters, crown coverages, approximate heights, genus, and species for each of the trees. Students also captured digital images of the trees that are hyperlinked to each feature in ArcMap. In an attempt to introduce students to spatial analysis and the ArcGIS program, students gathered, imputed and edited much of the project's information. The information is now accessible to all students and the community using ArcIMS.

Christopher Guides
Friends' Central School
1101 City Avenue
Philadelphia , PA 19096
Phone: 610-645-5121
E-mail: cguides@friendscentral.org