
No Paper
Oklahoma 4-H Geospatial Programs: Creating Community Change
Track: Community Projects and Partnerships
Author(s): Jeff Sallee

Geospatial Technologies are quickly spreading throughout the Oklahoma 4-H community. The Oklahoma 4-H Geospatial Institute was initiated to train teams of youth and adults to design, plan, and conduct community mapping projects. The goal of these projects is to address a community need while teaching youth and adults to partner and capitalize on each others strengths. Our approach teaches geospatial concepts, service learning, and youth development. Through this training, 4-H community mapping teams have identified and addressed important local issues including emergency preparation and management, environmental stewardship, and health and fitness. Teams are also celebrating the Oklahoma Centennial by developing projects which highlight important events and locations in Oklahoma history. The geospatial project information presented will define the educational methods and techniques Oklahoma 4-H has used to prepare teams to create and develop successful community mapping projects.

Jeff Sallee
Oklahoma State University
205 4-H Youth Development
Stillwater , Oklahoma 74078
United States
Phone: 405-744-8885
E-mail: jeff.sallee@okstate.edu