
No Paper
Hawaiian Aerial Photographs: Creating a Visual Interface with Flight Diagrams
Track: Using GIS in Libraries and Museums
Author(s): G. Salim Mohammed

In 2004, a flood destroyed or damaged the entire Government Documents & Maps department at the University of Hawaii at Manoa Library including approximately 91,000 aerial photographs. Of these, staff purchased approximately 8,000 images that were being used heavily and immediately available in digital format. Because most of the images did not have corresponding metadata, we decided to create some basic metadata including coordinate information, a database and a visual interface based on flight-line diagrams and mosaics that showed where each aerial photograph was taken. Using the flight line diagrams as anchors, a simple protocol was developed to georeference the photographs' center-points, calculate their coordinates and link them with the database. Using Streetprint ©, an open source digital library software as its engine and JavaScript, an on-line visual interface was created for users to search, find, view and download derivative images and basic metadata of the original tiff images.

G. Salim Mohammed
University of Hawaii at Manoa Library
2550 McCarthy Mall
Madison , Hawaii 96822
United States
Phone: 808-956-0833
E-mail: ghouse@hawaii.edu