
Business Analyst as a Teaching Resource in University Entrepreneurship Programs
Track: Teaching with GIS in Higher Education
Author(s): Fred Miller

Entrepreneurship programs in US business schools typically integrate theoretical concepts for business creation with application exercises covering the actual processes for doing so. The most common learning activity which integrates these streams is the creation of a business plan for a potential new business. Such a project requires students to accumulate whatever data is available to assess the feasibility and potential success of their chosen business concept. Spatial data and GIS tools can play a significant role in this process for any business concept with a spatial component such as the location of production, distribution and/or sales facilities. In its new configuration, the Business Analyst lab pack can be an exceptionally useful resource in such a project. This paper illustrates that value using three different small business scenarios as examples

Fred Miller
Murray State University
Dept of MGT, MKT and Bus Admin
Murray , Kentucky 42071
United States
Phone: 2708096206
Fax: 2708093740
E-mail: Fred.Miller@MurrayState.edu