
No Paper
GIS Tools to Improve Design for NJ Secondary Schools
Track: GIS for Administration, Planning and Policy
Author(s): Russell Harrison, Joseph Rudnicki

Based on the report “School Size, Violence, Achievements, and Costs” to the New Jersey Legislature Joint Legislative Commission on Business Efficiency of the Public Schools (www.NJLEG.state.NJ.US./legislativepub/reports/buseff_report.pdf). It documents problems among high school facilities built using mega-school architectural design principles. As Director of Urban Studies at Rutgers University he directs research to deal with the problems facing over-sized schools in a state with extensive competition among local governments.

The other author is the K-12 analyst for the Office of Management and Budget of the State of New Jersey – which allocates school construction funds statewide and over 11 billion dollars in school aid. Together they are updating the report to map the distribution of school problems statewide and how they overlap with defective architectural design principles.

Thematic maps will identify schools with the worst problems of academic failure, school violence, and dropout rates and their juxtaposition with Gesellschaft school facilities.

Russell Harrison
Rutgers University
401 Cooper Street
Camden City , New Jersey 08102
United States
Phone: 856-225-6084
E-mail: ruharris@camden.rutgers.edu

Joseph Rudnicki
State of New Jersey Office of Management and Budget
40 West State Strett
Trenton , New Jersey 08625
United States
Phone: 856-904-5629
E-mail: rudnickj@camden.rutgers.edu