
No Paper
GIS can be Delicious for Everyone
Track: Using GIS in Libraries and Museums
Authors: Tracey Hughes, Chris Miller, Amanda Henley, Gregory March

We’ve all heard it before: one of the hardest parts of using GIS can be finding good and relevant GIS data. Three GIS librarians at different universities across the United States invite you to hear the story of their collaboration for a GIS resources guide using Delicious.com, a social booking website. We’ll tell you about our collaborative process, introduce the resource we've created, describe what makes it a very good tool as it stands, and conclude with what we would like to do to make our guide an exemplary resource for GIS librarians everywhere.

Tracey Hughes
University of California San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive ##0175R
La Jolla, California 92093-0175
United States
Phone: 858-534-1266
E-mail: t2hughes@ucsd.edu

Chris Miller
Purdue University Libraries
550 Stadium Mall Dr, 2215 CIVL
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907
United States
Phone: 765.496.9474
E-mail: ccmiller@purdue.edu

Amanda Henley
Davis Library, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
CB# 3922, Davis Library
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514
United States
Phone: 9199621151
E-mail: amanda.henley@unc.edu

Gregory March
University of Tennessee Knoxville Libraries
Room G21A Hodges Library
1015 Volunteer Blvd
Knoxville, Tennessee 37996
United States
Phone: 865-974-3878
E-mail: gmarch@utk.edu