
Using GIS tools for Dynamic Clearance Time Calculations
Track: Situational Awareness
Authors: David George

Using the Esri ArcGIS API for Flex, online ArcGIS servers and open source software via the OGC WFS standard, we have created an application that allows emergency managers to model and visualize complex evacuation scenarios. Due to the power of the Esri/Flex API, we were able to create a Rich Internet Application that has the power and the look and feel of a desktop application. The tool allows an emergency manager to run “what-if” analyses by varying the areas to be evacuated, taking into account both the characteristics of the traffic network and the behavioral model of the evacuating population. Once the simulation of the evacuation is complete the tool displays a time-incremented visualization of the results to provide insight into how the evacuation unfolds. This insight should help emergency managers identify bottlenecks and other issues, and enable them to refine and streamline the evacuation.

David George
11100 John Hopkins Road
Laurel, Maryland 20723
United States
Phone: 240-228-3795
E-mail: david.george@jhuapl.edu