MO IMS Application For San Francisco Real Estate Department

Author: Mike Broten
Organization: GIS Applications

1280 Bison Ave., B9-613
Newport Beach, CA 92660

Phone: 949-759-0792
Fax: 949-644-7757

Esri's Map Objects Internet Map Server software (MO IMS 2) and Internet Starter Applications (ISA) have been used to develop a state-of-the-art intranet-based application for the City and County of San Francisco's Real Estate Department (RED). The primary functionality of this system is to allow browsing and query of information related to city-owned and city-leased properties. Application highlights include; many-to-many database relations, the use of multiple pop-up windows, MrSid compressed imagery, and quick queries from drop-down search lists.

This work is being done by GIS Applications (Newport Beach, CA) and coordinated through San Francisco's Department of Telecommunications and Information Services (DTIS).