A High-Tech Cadastral Map for Henrico County, Virginia

Author: Alfredo Carlos Frauenfelder
Organization: County of Henrico, Virginia

P.O. Box 27032
Richmond, VA 23273-7032

Phone: 804-501-5769
Fax: 804-501-4545

The County of Henrico, Virginia, has recently completed an effort to include the cadastral layer in the County's GIS. This paper continues the saga that is the GIS implementation effort in Henrico County by expanding on the papers presented at the 1998 (GIS platform selection process) and the 1999 (planimetric basemap and digital orthophotography products) user conferences. No PowerPoint presentations here! This is a bona fide demonstration on actual County data products through the use of ArcView GIS. Additional issues discussed and demonstrated are integration with the Public Safety Computer-Aided Dispatch System and integration with the Real Estate Computer-Aided Mass Appraisal System.