Regional Conservation Decision Support

Author: Brian H. Kazmerik
Organization: Ducks Unlimited Canada

P.O. Box 1160
Stonewall, R0C 2Z0
Manitoba, Canada

Phone: (204) 467-3247
Fax: (204) 467-9028

Ducks Unlimited Canada is developing a GIS-based Regional Conservation Decision Support System (Regional DSS) to focus its resources on the areas with the greatest potential for increasing waterfowl recruitment in the prairie and parkland ecoregions of western Canada.

A model has been developed describing the relationship between waterfowl breeding pairs and various habitat characteristics including wetlands, waterfowl capability, drought severity, and geographic location. The model is utilized to generate predicted waterfowl breeding pairs. Subsequent steps incorporate existing upland habitat, along with risk assessment, to identify potential areas for protection and enhancement.