Paper Describing GIS Applications: Spatial Statistics and the Weights of Evidence Extension in the Analysis of the Distribution of Archaeology Sites in the Landscape

Author: David T. Hansen
Organization: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

2800 Cottage Way
CA, CA 95825-1898

Phone: 916-978-5268
Fax: 916-978-5290

The ArcView GIS extension Weights of Evidence is a new tool for evaluating evidential themes associated with known occurrences of phenomena. It has been applied to predict the occurrence of mineral deposits. In this application, it is used to predict the occurrence of archaeology sites in a portion of the Central Valley of California. This paper describes its use in both an exploratory mode and evaluating conceptual models for site occurrences. Applying weights of evidence in this case is affected by the resolution of the data sets involved and the relative extent of features in the data themes. Identifying and reporting the conceptual model, assumptions, and calculations made by this method are important for its use and application. This information is presented within the desktop environment of ArcView GIS using the extension's documentation tools and additional tools for review with the model results.