Radon Test Results as a Function of Soils and Bedrock Geology

Author: Robert Peven
Organization: Monroe County

125 East Second
Monroe, MI 48161

Phone: 734 240 7383
Fax: 734 240 7385

Free radon test kits were distributed to residents of Monroe County, Michigan. The results of the tests were geocoded and plotted using ArcView GIS. Results were then overlaid on a soils map, which was coded to display soil permeability. Results showed that average radon levels were higher in areas with low soil permeability. Radon test results were also overlaid on a bedrock geology map, which showed higher levels of radon were associated with certain rock formations. Finally, an analysis was conducted on the combination of soils and bedrock, which revealed combinations of factors believed to be responsible for elevated radon levels. Future projects will involve statistical analysis of results, public education, and distribution of additional test kits in targeted areas of the County.