Paper Water Quality Standards GIS Review Implementation: Moving from a Static Web Site to a Web-Based GIS

Author: Anne Marie Miller
Organization: Research Triangle Institute

3040 Cornwallis Road
PO Box 12194
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2194

Phone: 919-485-7768
Fax: 919-485-7777

The U.S. EPA has committed to developing a national water quality standards (WQS) data system that will locate and describe the official designated uses for the nation's waters. Research Triangle Institute (RTI) under contract with EPA is developing state WQS coverages and assisting the states in their review using a Web-based approach. Initial implementation was a static Web site that included Avenue-generated JPEG. One of the lessons learned was that a dynamic mapping site was required to meet state review needs. RTI developed a Web-based GIS site using MapObjects that will be widely used in this major EPA project.