Databases Cannot Make Decisions: How Can Real-Time Data and a GIS Be Linked to Gain a Multiplier in the Efficiency of an Enterprise?

Author: Tripat Singh Mangat
Organization: Mangat, I.B. Patel and Partners

P.O. Box 42629
Nairobi, GA 30329-2231

Phone: +254 2 710585
Fax: +254 2 710549

Answer: By coupling them to a decision engine.

Decision making is usually relegated to a sometimes slow and inefficient loop unique to each enterprise. By combining objective-oriented management techniques with mathematical axioms, it is possible to leverage the attributes of information technology. Real-time decisions using real-time data can be executed within the framework of enterprise management strategies.

The paper introduces the theory and demonstrates software that enhances the utility of databases and GIS for the efficient delivery of management directives.