Paper A Data-Centric Approach to the Telecommunication Enterprise

Author: Tom Counts
Organization: MESA Solutions

Tower Building, 4th Floor
Huntsville, AL

Phone: 256 864-0400
Fax: 256 864-2251

The rapidly expanding telecommunications market is putting greater demands on planning, forecasting, construction, assignment, and maintenance of communications circuits than ever before. Operational procedures must become streamlined in order to drive down costs and improve customer service. Historically, in the world of regional Bell operating centers (RBOCs), each of these processes has been poorly interlinked and suffered from redundant or missing data stores. Each of these processes intimately affects the other yet typically each exists in its own island of processes and information. A data-centric approach to managing the multiple operations processes fully leverages GIS as a single facilities repository. This solution, based on ArcInfo 8, provides the capability for multiple types of users to view and update a single spatial data warehouse to share information, automate circuit assignment, expedite repairs, and streamline daily business processes.