OCWD's Approach to Using Oracle and ArcInfo in Support of Groundwater Modeling

Author: Doris Reilly
Organization: Orange County Water District

10500 Ellis Ave.
P.O. Box 8300
Fountain Valley, CA 92728-8300

Phone: 714-378-3269
Fax: 714-378-3369

The Orange County Water District (OCWD) manages the groundwater basin that provides a water supply to more than two million people with 75 percent of their water demand. Over the last five years district staff has developed a numerical model that simulates the response of the groundwater basin under various management scenarios. The model, based on the United States Geological Survey's MODFLOW program, uses custom applications developed with Oracle and ArcInfo to streamline the building of input files and to analyze the model results. This session will describe how OCWD has applied these technologies into a functional and valuable application.