Paper Reengineering a UNIX/AML-Based Application to ArcInfo 8/COM

Author: Mike Werling
Organization: Litton - TASC

13605 Dulles Technology Drive
Herndon, VA 20171-3414

The Combat Terrain Information Systems (CTIS) project is moving their Digital Topographic Support System (DTSS) from a UNIX, ArcInfo 7.2.1, and AML environment to a Windows NT and ArcInfo 8 environment. The CTIS program is reengineering key components of the DTSS system using Microsoft COM, ArcInfo 8, and ArcSDE 8. The DTSS system processes Vector Product Format (VPF) and Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) data to generate combat terrain analysis products, which are currently stored in ArcInfo coverages and INFO tables. The reengineered DTSS system is using ArcSDE and geodatabases to store the data and results. Reengineering and design issues with this effort will be discussed in detail.