Paper MAPIT: A Tool for Organizing Historic Resource Inventories for the 21st Century

Author: John Buckler
Organization: National Park Service

Suite NC 310
1849 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20042

Phone: 202-343-3936
Fax: 202-343-3921

The Cultural Resource GIS Facility, part of the National Park Service, is a national program dedicated to using spatial technologies to help identify, protect, and preserve cultural resources and landscapes. MAPIT is a customized ArcView GIS interface designed to help state and local cultural resource managers display and analyze their resource inventories, as well as integrate other data sources. Together these various layers and specialized functions help provide historical context, allowing users a fresh perspective never before possible. MAPIT's goal is to make GIS technology widely available to preservationists for use in all types of preservation planning and problem solving.