Maine Department of Transportation's GIS-Linked Data Warehousing Approach for Building an Integrated Transportation Information Environment

Author: Mike Biddle
Organization: Maine Department of Transportation

#16 State House Station
Child Street
Augusta, ME 04333

Phone: 207-287-2952
Fax: 207-287-3292

Maine Department of Transportation (MeDOT) has implemented a GIS-enabled data warehouse that provides not only traditional data warehouse capabilities but spatial analysis and mapping abilities as well. Using ArcView GIS, Hummingbird's BI-Query, and Oracle, this unique system provides the ability to query transportation data attributes and display the results spatially. MeDOT's Transportation Information for Decision Enhancement (TIDE) provides staff and managers with an ideal platform to deliver integrated transportation information from the current legacy systems. The data involved includes infrastructure, accidents, traffic, pavement, project locations, and cost. TIDE provides planners and engineers the tools to perform advanced data analysis with both current and historical data.