Paper A Strategy to Use Internet GIS in Spatially Enabling Organizations

Author: Reno Fiedler
Organization: Scientific Technology Corporation

4400 E Broadway
Tucson, AZ 85711

Phone: 520 - 202-3333
Fax: 520 - 202-3340

Geographic information systems can improve the performance of an organization's business operations considerably. However, institutions and enterprises face significant initial investments to leverage their proprietary data through this technology.

MapDesigner is a holistic approach to facilitate spatially enabled activities in organizations. It features an open three-tier architecture (databases, servers, clients) that lets users connect their data almost instantaneously to Internet/Intranet GIS. Elements of MapDesigner's architecture transfer to the organization as its commitment to this technology increases. MapDesigner helps to leverage legacy data quickly by removing the initial investment barrier and providing a professionally guided approach to GIS.