Paper MapObjects/Visual Basic User Interface with UNIX Oracle Database--Our Mission Planning Software

Author: Brian B. Mahon
Organization: United States Special Operations Command

7701 Tampa Point Blvd
MacDill AFB, FL 33621-5323

Phone: (813) 828-4278
Fax: (813) 828-3880

The Special Operations Force Analytical Modeling System (SOFAMS) application is used to plan missions in support of our illustrative planning scenarios. This application populates and maintains large Oracle tables using Esri MapObjects to provide geospatial orientation for data input and analysis. Client Visual Basic software builds database entries and allows data manipulation and validation. Final analytical products are extracted with ArcView GIS, MS Access, MS Excel, and Primavera Project Planner. These extraction tools produce graphical, time, and spatial representations of the data entered. Future development will focus on simpler extraction interfaces and increased data entry automation. This paper discusses the overall SOFAMS system architecture, time savings realized in the data entry process, design, and problem solving issues.