Hanover County Geographic Information Access System: Effectively Making County Information Available for Use by Everyone

Author: Timothy R. Enderlein
Organization: Geo Decisions

101 Innovation Blvd
State College, PA 16803

Phone: 814-234-8625
Fax: 814-234-8086

The Hanover County Geographic Data Access System is a complete municipal data access tool developed by Hanover County, Virginia. The system allows access to a wide variety of vector, raster, and hard-copy data including tax parcels, cash proffers, assessment information, zoning information, historic structures, utilities, archaeological sites, and orthophotos. This paper tracks the evolution of the system from a simple Avenue parcel viewer to an enterprisewide/Internet system based on ArcIMS and ultimately SDE. Issues involved with using evolving Esri technology to meet ever increasing internal and public demands for County-wide geographic information are discussed.