North American Natural Hazards and Disasters Map and Database Project

Author: Ken Rukstales
Organization: U.S. Geological Survey

P.O. Box 25046
Denver, CO 80225

Phone: 303-273-8677
Fax: 303-273-8600

The North American Natural Hazards and Disasters Project was initiated to create a digital database and the first thematic map of this type for Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Portions of the map database were published in the July 1998 English and Spanish versions of National Geographic magazine. Led by the USGS, a project to collate, edit, and produce the full database on CD-ROM is being undertaken. ArcExplorer has been chosen as the data browser for the database. A discussion of how the database was compiled, how the CD-ROM was produced, and future strategies for updating the database will be given.