Paper Developing and Deploying an Enterprise GIS System Using Oracle, ArcInfo 8, and Citrix

Author: Christopher Neal Kroot
Organization: Maine Department of Environmental Protection

17 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333

Phone: 207-287-6167

Over the past 24 months, the Maine Department of Environmental Protection has conducted in-depth analysis and planning in order to manage the complex migration to the ArcInfo 8 technologies. The authors will present lessons that they have learned about migrating ArcView GIS applications, data management, and deployment. We will discuss in depth our application development process, the advantages to be gained by moving data to SDE and the geodatabase, and our Citrix-based deployment strategy. Our presentation will advocate the advantages to be gained by disseminating high-end GIS capabilities throughout the enterprise. We will also discuss specific ways to integrate ArcInfo 8 with existing business databases.