Paper Integrating High-Resolution Satellite Imagery and Weather Data for Improved Agricultural Management Decisions

Author: Mark Servilla
Organization: Earth Scan Network, Inc.

6565 Americas Parkway, Suite 660
Albuquerque, NM 87110

Phone: 505-830-0957
Fax: 505-888-2878

EarthScan Network Incorporated provides a time-critical advantage to the
agricultural industry by allowing Internet access to ordering, archiving,
analysis, and delivery of remotely sensed imagery from the Ikonos satellite.
Integrating the analyzed high-resolution imagery with historic, current, and
forecast weather data into a large-scale GIS map layer provides a powerful
modeling and assessment tool that can lead to improved management decisions
for issues such as irrigation scheduling and the application of herbicides,
insecticides, and/or nutrients.