Paper The Use of ArcInfo in the Building and Development of a Finite Element Ground/Surface Water Model (WestSIM) in California's Western San Joaquin Valley

Author: Michael Sebhat
Organization: U.S. Bureau of Reclamation

USBR - MPGIS- Federal Building
2800 Cottage Way
Sacramento, CA 95825

Phone: 916-978-5272
Fax: 916-978-5292

This paper presents some of the methods used to develop a finite element ground/surface water model using a GIS. The GIS is used to create the mesh, analyze and populate much of the data, and develop a GUI (ArcView GIS, MapObjects) to edit and view various model layers. Additionally, weighted area calculations of consumptive use per element are performed on those features that fall fully or partially within a model element. It is also used to perform complex stream node allocations to the model nodes and elements.