Paper An Outage Restoration Management System for Power Distribution Networks

Author: Saeed Sean Monemi
Organization: Vanderbilt University, ISIS

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Nashville, TN 37203

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This paper will present a fault management system being developed for power distribution networks, called the Outage Restoration Management System (ORMS). The ORMS employs an advanced diagnostics reasoning algorithm to determine the location of faulty components during electrical outages. The diagnostics results are presented to the user in graphical form to aid in planning repair actions. The ORMS algorithm is implemented as an OLE/DCOM component, and has been integrated with several standard commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) systems commonly used in electrical utilities, including an Esri GIS system, an interactive voice response system (IVR/trouble call system), a System Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system, and a customer information system (CIS). We will show how this fault management system (1) provides accurate and relevant diagnostics results, and (2) can easily be integrated with other system components used in utilities.