Mobile Data Terminal Application Integration with ArcInfo 8

Author: Tom Polanski
Organization: Convergent Group

6399 South Fiddler's Green Circle
Englewood, CO 80111

Phone: (303) 741-8400
Fax: (303) 741-8401

Convergent Work Integration Manager is a fully GIS/WMS integrated suite of graphical design tools. The walk-away version of this application uses mobile data terminal and messaging queuing technology to deliver field-enabled tools integrated with ArcInfo 8. The application architecture primarily supports mobile data collection on rugged pen-based computers, allowing facility management processes to be carried out where work is accomplished--in the field. It allows field crews access to facility and customer information previously unavailable, resulting in increased worker productivity and improved customer response times with an end result of higher levels of customer satisfaction. Graphic and attribute field data collected via the application may be uploaded to the primary enterprise database as needed, resulting in up-to-date information for both field-based and office-based personnel. This paper discusses the functionality and benefits of the application, as well as specific implementation issues including the use of a Component Object Model (COM) architecture and XML-based asynchronous messaging technologies that facilitate a rapid extension of the fully integrated design suite of applications on the ArcInfo 8 platform.