To Flood or Not to Flood? That Is the Question--GIS Is the Answer

Author: Steve Marsh
Organization: Burns & McDonnell Engineering

9400 Ward Parkway
Kansas City, MO 64114

Phone: 816.333.9400 x
Fax: 816.822.3463

Johnson County, Kansas, is completing County-wide watershed studies. In an effort to streamline the process the watershed studies have significant GIS requirements. In addition to breaking from the traditional ArcInfo environment through the implementation of the ArcInfo/SQL Server environment, the watershed studies have specific data analysis requirements for watershed delineation/hydrologic data creation, conveyance system network generation/hydraulic data creation, and floodplain mapping/digital floodplain submittals to FEMA (including future floodplain delineation). This presentation will briefly address the creation of the GIS environment and discuss in detail how it is being implemented by Burns & McDonnell on the 80-square-mile Mill Creek watershed.