Paper Decision Support Tools for Spatial Nutrient Management

Author: Arin Stark
Organization: CARES

130 Mumford Hall
Columbia, MO 65211

Phone: 573-882-1644
Fax: 573-884-2199

The Spatial Nutrient Management Planner was designed to assist farmers
in applying manure to their fields for more efficient fertilization.
The basic aspects of the tool consist of farm and field boundary editors

and buffer delineators. After delimiting the spreadable areas, various
subtools assist in recommending amounts of fertilizer based on soil and
crop types. Other tools in this package are currently in development,
including automatic map and report generators, and systems for laying
out draglines for applying the fertilizer most efficiently over the
spreadable area. Eventually, this tool will be modified for use in
multiple states based on their specific regulations, and will allow for
interface with database packages used in fertilization recommendations.
The Center for Agricultural, Resource and Environmental Systems (CARES)
is working with departments within the University of Missouri, as well
as other universities, is developing this tool using ArcView Dialog
Designer and Avenue scripting.